3 on wish list
Silverado a 5 Yr 15 Hand Palomino AQHA Gelding. Traffic Safe
bid on auction
Ad ID: 4407252
Ad type: auction horse
Online since: 25.03.2025
Ad views: 123
Wish list
is a companion
suitable for therapeutic riding
suitable for beginners
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is capable of carrying weight
is easy to load
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
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Silverado ist die Art von Pferd, die überall die Blicke auf sich zieht - ein atemberaubender 2020 AQHA-registrierter Palomino-Wallach mit der idealen Größe von 15 Händen. Aber er ist mehr als nur ein hübsches Gesicht - dieser Wallach hat den Verstand, das Herz und die Ausbildung, die zu seinem guten Aussehen passen. Er wurde ausgiebig im Gelände geritten und ist absolut verkehrssicher, was ihn zu einem zuverlässigen Reittier macht, egal ob Sie im Gelände, auf der Straße oder auf dem Reitplatz arbeiten. Silverado geht selbstbewusst mit Hindernissen, Planen und neuen Umgebungen um und nimmt alles wie ein echter Profi in Angriff. Er hat drei erstklassige Gangarten, darunter einen sanften Lope und einen mühelosen Jog im Western Pleasure-Stil, der ihn zu einem Traum für stundenlange Ausritte macht. Silverado hat auch einen wirklich schönen Western Pleasure-Loop - langsam, versammelt und leicht zu sitzen - zusammen mit sanften Führungswechseln, die ihn zu einem Vergnügen in jeder Umgebung machen. Aufgrund des Geländes, in dem wir reiten, trägt Silverado an allen vier Füßen Schuhe, damit er immer bequem und für jedes Abenteuer bereit ist. Ganz gleich, ob Sie die Zügelführung am Hals bevorzugen oder ganz ohne Zaumzeug auskommen, Silverado hört mit leichter Hand und reaktionsschnellem Gefühl auf Sie. Mehr als alles andere ist Silverado ein Pferd, das Menschen liebt. Er saugt die Aufmerksamkeit in sich auf, freut sich über jede Streicheleinheit und folgt Ihnen gerne durch den Stall, nur um in Ihrer Nähe zu sein. Sein anhängliches Wesen und seine Bereitschaft haben ihn schnell zum Liebling aller Menschen gemacht, die ihm begegnen. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen, gut erzogenen und menschenbezogenen Partner mit einem goldenen Fell sind, das zu seinem goldenen Herzen passt, dann ist Silverado Ihr Mann! Rufen Sie Duane unter 330-231-2324 an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten oder einen Termin zu vereinbaren, an dem Sie ihn persönlich besuchen können.
Silverado is the kind of horse that turns heads wherever he goes—a stunning 2020 AQHA-registered palomino gelding standing at the ideal height of 15 hands. But he is more than just a pretty face—this gelding has the brains, heart, and training to match his good looks. He has been ridden extensively outside and is completely traffic-safe, making him a reliable mount whether you are cruising down the trail, riding along the road, or working in the arena. Silverado is confident with obstacles, tarps, and new environments, taking everything in stride like a true professional. He has three quality gaits, including a smooth lope and an effortless Western Pleasure-style jog that makes him a dream to ride for hours. Silverado also has a real nice Western Pleasure lope—slow, collected, and easy to sit—along with smooth lead changes that make him a pleasure in any setting. Silverado wears shoes on all four feet due to the terrain where we ride, ensuring he is always comfortable and ready for any adventure. Whether you prefer neck reining or going completely bridle less, Silverado listens with a light touch and responsive feel. More than anything, Silverado is a horse that loves people. He soaks up attention, enjoys every scratch and pat, and will happily follow you around the barn just to be near you. His affectionate personality and willing attitude have quickly made him a favorite among everyone who meets him. If you are looking for a dependable, well-trained, and people-loving partner with a golden coat to match his golden heart, Silverado is your guy! Please feel free to call Duane @ 330-231-2324 for more information or to schedule a day to see him in person.

Homepage: buckeye-acre-farm
Main focuses
Dressage horses
Driving horses
Leisure horses
Show jumpers
Western horses
Versatility Ranch Horse
Western allround
American Quarter Horse
Draft Horse
Gypsy Horse
Further information
I started my journey in the horse industry in 1995 when I purchased my very first pony at 11 years old. I spent an entire year devoted to training, riding,, and teaching him fun tricks like laying down, sitting, and bowing. I sold him later that year; the feeling of providing a well trained, well behaved, horse was so rewarding that I felt I wanted to continue to share my gift. In 2007, I married my awesome wife Miriam, and we have been blessed with six incredible children (two daughters and four sons) that participate daily with the operation of the farm. What started as myself and a dream has become the full time commitment of my family, and ten employees. The opportunity to share our horsemanship has been so rewarding. In kind, we have been so blessed to learn from professional experts and knowledgeable friends that have voluntarily poured into us their invaluable years of knowledge. Our program has developed, changed, and grown along the way to ensure that we are producing a quality horse that we know we can stand behind. We start by carefully evaluating each horse before purchase. We specialize in quality quarter horses, draft crosses, and also Friesian and Gypsy crosses, from performance to trail riding to leisure. After selection, we take the horse through our groundwork program to get connected with them as individuals. We take them through obstacles and trail ride them, exposing them to anything they may ever encounter. Then, we give the horses a break for up to one month. This allows us to see how the training will stick with them. If they come back in the same place they were before the break we know they are ready to move through the rest of the program and become finished Buckeye Acre Farm horses, learning all of the fun crowd pleasing tricks. We feel we have one of the best soundness guarantees in the business, and we will stand behind that. This has been an awesome journey, and God continues to bless and humble us each and every day. All of us, from our children to our employees, want to provide the best quality horses that you and your families will enjoy for years to come. Over the years we have experienced that the horse market changes, but also that a quality horse is always in high demand. If you see a horse that meets your needs, please reach out to us. I look forward to your call, and to speaking with you personally about your next equine partner. May God bless your day.
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