American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 10 years 15 hh Buckskin in Joshua TX



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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 United States


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Further information

The American Quarter Horse, also known as the Quarter Horse, originally comes from the U.S. and is the most common horse breed in the world. Worldwide, there are approximately 4.6 million registered Quarter Horses. The breed originated in the 17th Century, as rich plantation owners from Virginia and ... More about the horse breed American Quarter Horse
10 years
15 hh
Versatility Ranch Horse


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Geben Sie Ihr Gebot bei PlatinumEquineAuction dot com ab
Die Auktion endet am 27. November 
$3500 Startgebot
Ich zeige Ihnen den schicksten Wildlederwallach, den Sie je gesehen haben! Butter Ball ist so schön wie sie kommen. Steht bei 15 Händen groß und ist Wildleder! Butter Ball ist nicht nur wunderschön, er ist auch ein absoluter Gentleman. Dieser Wallach hat die beste Persönlichkeit der Welt. Er will dein bester Freund sein! Butter Ball ist das erste Pferd auf der Weide, das Sie am Tor trifft! Butter Ball liebt die Kinder absolut und wird ihnen überall hin folgen. Butter Ball ist die Definition von pleite. Dieser Wallach ist wirklich einhändig gebrochen und hat eine Schaukelstuhlneigung. Butter Ball hat eine schöne flache Wendung und einen riesigen Stopp. Seine Lead-Abfahrten sind super reibungslos, so dass er für jeden leicht zu bedienen und zu genießen ist! Butter Ball wird jeden Job machen, den Sie von ihm verlangen. Er ist ein Tausendsassa. Butter Ball wurde überall auf der Ranch verwendet, um Zäune zu überprüfen und Rinder zu behandeln. Mit dieser Erfahrung ist er ein phänomenales Trailpferd und wird ohne zu zögern jedes Hindernis auf Ihrem Weg überwinden. Butter Ball würde für seine Person durchs Feuer gehen! Dieser Wallach ist etwas ganz Besonderes in diesem Stall und alle Kinder lieben es, Unterricht bei ihm zu nehmen. Butter Ball sucht seinen Partner für immer! Das Hotel liegt in Joshua Texas. Für weitere Informationen rufen Sie bitte 805-453-3410 an.
Geben Sie Ihr Gebot bei PlatinumEquineAuction dot com ab
Die Auktion endet am 27. November 
$3500 Startgebot
Place your bid at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
Auction ends November 27th 
$3500 Starting bid
I am going to show you the fanciest buckskin gelding you have ever seen! Butter Ball is as nice as they come. Standing at 15 hands tall and is buckskin! Not only is Butter Ball drop dead gorgeous he is an absolute gentleman. This gelding has the best personality in the world. He wants to be your best friend! Butter Ball is the first horse in the pasture to meet you at the gate! Butter Ball absolutely adores the kids and will follow them anywhere they go. Butter Ball is the definition of broke. This gelding is truly one hand broke and has a rocking chair lope. Butter Ball has a nice flat turn around and a huge stop. His lead departures are super smooth making him easy for anyone to operate and enjoy! Butter Ball will do any job you ask of him. He is a jack of all trades. Butter Ball has been used all over the ranch to check fences and doctor cattle. With that experience under his belt he is a phenomenal trail horse and will step over any obstacle in your way without any hesitation. Butter Ball would walk through fire for his person! This gelding is super special around this barn and all the kids love to take lessons on him. Butter Ball is looking for his forever partner! Located in Joshua Texas. For more information please call 805-453-3410.
Place your bid at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
Auction ends November 27th 
$3500 Starting bid
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Fai la tua offerta su PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
L'asta termina il 27 novembre 
$3500 Offerta iniziale
Ti mostrerò il castrone di pelle di cervo più fantasioso che tu abbia mai visto! Butter Ball è bello come vengono. In piedi a 15 mani di altezza ed è pelle di cervo! Non solo Butter Ball è stupendo, ma è un vero gentiluomo. Questo castrone ha la migliore personalità del mondo. Vuole essere il tuo migliore amico! Butter Ball è il primo cavallo al pascolo ad incontrarti al cancello! Butter Ball adora assolutamente i bambini e li seguirà ovunque vadano. Butter Ball è la definizione di rotto. Questo castrone è veramente una mano rotta e ha una sedia a dondolo lope. Butter Ball ha una bella curva piatta e una fermata enorme. Le sue partenze di piombo sono super fluide rendendolo facile da usare e divertire per chiunque! Butter Ball farà qualsiasi lavoro tu gli chieda. È un tuttofare. Butter Ball è stato utilizzato in tutto il ranch per controllare le recinzioni e il bestiame medico. Con quell'esperienza alle spalle, è un cavallo da trail fenomenale e supererà qualsiasi ostacolo sulla tua strada senza alcuna esitazione. Butter Ball avrebbe camminato attraverso il fuoco per la sua persona! Questo castrone è super speciale intorno a questo fienile e tutti i bambini amano prendere lezioni su di lui. Butter Ball è alla ricerca del suo partner per sempre! Situato a Joshua Texas. Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di chiamare 805-453-3410.
Fai la tua offerta su PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
L'asta termina il 27 novembre 
$3500 Offerta iniziale


Joshua TX 76058, Texas
United States

Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
United States

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
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